sábado, 28 de septiembre de 2013

Tal National - Kaani

Niger, to the east of Mali, is best known for the desert blues of Etran Finatawa and Bombino, but the capital, Niamey, is also home to this inspired and furious guitar band. Led by Hamadal "Almeida" Moumine, who works as a teacher and a judge while still playing five-hour sets with his band most nights of the week, Tal National mix energy and precision with an engagingly hybrid style. There are echoes of a sped-up desert blues in songs such as Tchana, and there are reminders of the Fuji tradition of Nigeria, to the south, in some of the percussion. But what makes this band special is their full-tilt approach, and a hypnotic intensity that reminded me at times of Kinshasa's Konono No 1. Recorded in Niamey, the album starts fast, eases off just a little, and ends in frantic style with the best track, Banganésiba.

1. Kaani
2. Zigda
3. Wongharey
4. Nouvelles
5. Tchana
6. Sarkin Fada
7. Kountche
8. Banganésiba

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